Moore support is as close as your phone or your computer. Whether it’s to inquire about an operational issue, to discuss a problem with your machine or to talk about needed parts, our company is totally committed to your continued support and satisfaction.
We know your machine’s history
One very important aspect of our support is our detailed knowledge of the history of each piece of equipment we have manufactured. Not only have we kept detailed records over the years, but the strong relationship Kay Maibe (a 40+ year veteran of our company) has maintained with our customers enables us to understand the lineage of equipment ownership and locations and each machine’s maintenance and repair history. This gives us the knowledge to provide you with the highest possible level of possible.
574-295-5367 9:00AM-5:00PM Eastern Standard Time (GMT -4)
Call our corporate office to reach Kay Maibe. She’ll be able to help you run down many issues, look up and order parts as well as connect you with technical personnel to resolve any outstanding problem.
Click HERE to start a support ticket
Moore Equipment support also includes our ability to handle any outstanding support issue you’re experiencing by responding to via the Internet. Simply fill out a support ticket and we’ll be in touch as soon as possible.